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Our Water Purifiers

Chance for Better Life

Hydro Water Technology


What is reverse osmosis? How is it superior to other technologies?

What is RO? RO is reverse osmosis, the process through which impure water is forced through a semi-permeable membrane. In reverse osmosis purification, impurities get caught in the membrane while the water is being passed through, resulting in clean, pure water.

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Advantage of RO Water Purification

  • RO water filters remove even the smallest particles from drinking water. Other methods of water purification like boiling and ultraviolet light, while destroying bacteria, do not remove particles of inorganic pollutants like metals and chemicals.
  • A reverse osmosis water purifier has membrane filters that last a long time. In other types of water filtration systems, you need a new filter every two-four weeks.
  • RO water filters are eco-friendly as they do not produce any chemicals. They also require minimum power.
  • RO systems remove dissolved minerals and other contaminants that may cause water to smell unpleasant, and look odd.
  • Reverse osmosis purification systems are best for home filtration systems because they are small in size.
  • Water treated by RO water filters is ideal for people suffering from heart disease, because they eliminate almost all salt and remove 99% of bacteria and pyrogenic substances in the water.
  • Reverse osmosis systems eliminate all heavy metals that are harmful to health, like lead, mercury and selenium, as well as animal waste and chemicals.
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Hydro Water


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Hydro Water Technology (HWT) was established as a professional engineering and contracting company in the field of water and waste water treatment.